S K Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce


The vision and mission of the college is largely student-centric and aims at continued quality improvement. The aims can be enlisted as :

Curriculum delivery that supports -

  • updated knowledge imparting
  • participative learning
  • Use of innovative mediums in imparting the learning content.
  • Increased involvement of various stakeholders so as to procure their feedback and incorporate effective changes in line with their needs
  • To improve academic performance of the students and enhance learning outcomes.
  • To support development of research acumen among students, teachers and encourage research projects and publications.
  • To make inroads into corporate/organizational consultancy.
  • To build adequate infrastructure- physical, human and ICT.
  • Mould mechanisms for student support and progression as per changing needs from time to time and collaborate with various stakeholders to mobilize resources for the same.
  • To review the initiatives towards quality improvement from time to time.
  • To evolve and pursue best practices in academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities such that the institution becomes a preferred choice of the student community for major programs offered by the college.
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